Dr. Björn Sörgel (PIK, Alumnus)
At the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) I study how we can stop global warming and simultaneously meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Using large computer models known as “integrated assessment models”, I look for ways how to best reconcile protecting climate and biodiversity with social goals like ending extreme poverty or hunger. My work shows that pursuing these goals together is in fact easier than looking at them in an isolated way. Before joining PIK in 2018 I did a PhD in astrophysics, which besides being fascinating also equipped me with a good understanding of modelling and statistics that still proves useful in my work.
I joined the PNB as one of the winners of the Brandenburg Postdoc Award in 2021. With my current and future work, I want to inform society and policymakers on these pressing questions, and show that we have the solutions to tackle them.